Course Iterations

Sub Number Date/Location Registration
07 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025 RL: NATO SOF Campus
01 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025 RL: NATO SOF Campus
16 Mar - 27 Mar, 2026 RL: NATO SOF Campus
30 Nov - 11 Dec, 2026 RL: NATO SOF Campus

Course Information

NATO SOF Air Mission Execution (SOAMEx)

The NATO SOF Air Mission Execution is a 9-day instructor/facilitator-led resident training event in a classroom, planning room and VBS 4 mission simulator environment.

Two days are dedicated to academic refresher lectures focused on the Air Decision Making Process (ADMP), SOF mindset, NATO SOF C2 structure and procedures, simulator familiarization and scenario lead-in.

From day three, the training audience is integrated in the scenario order of battle (ORBAT) each individual being part of a SOAC/ SOATG HQ, SOATU, SOTU, or special operations air/land integration task unit (SOALITU). 

Based upon mission orders and intelligence updates injected by the SOAC/ SOATG HQ (represented by a white force exercise control (EXCON), the tactical mission planning commences in accordance with the ADMP. Under the lead of appointed air mission commanders (AMCs), the training audience completes all steps of the ADMP and gets mentored by instructors, throughout the complete cycle.

The planning includes the coordination with the supported ground force commander (GFC) and a request for information (RFI) cycle with EXCON. The final planning product is briefed during the air mission briefing (AMB) and rehearsed during a rehearsal of concept (RoC) drill before being executed in the VBS 4 mission simulator.

During mission execution, the students have the opportunity to validate the quality of their planning, preparation and products. Furthermore, the students get challenged by either self-induced events or EXCON-injected events. Every executed mission gets fully debriefed with focus on the relationship between execution difficulties and planning decisions. Multiple missions will be executed by the two SOATUs throughout the SOAMEX.

Additional Information: 

The SOAMEX can be requested as specific training for exercises, evaluations and certifications for SOATG HQ & SOAC staff functions and positions. As secondary training audience, J2, J3 and SOALI procedures and functions can be trained and exercised as required by the requesting nation/ entity.


The SOAMEX is a residential course at the NATO Special Operations University located on Chièvres Air Base in Belgium. 

Course Aim

The NATO SOAMEX aims to train, improve, and validate NATO SOF-Air standards in order to enhance integration and interoperability within NATO SOF. The training event provides a forum to share experience and procedures through a joint and combined approach to plan, command, control and execute missions. 

The SOAMEX is conducted within a NATO standard force construct with a SOAC/ SOATG HQ providing the command & control element for two Special Operations Air Task Units (SOATUs), which execute the tactical level planning and mission execution. 


The students will plan, coordinate, brief, rehearse, execute, and debrief missions within an air-heavy special operation scenario using NATO CIS/information technology tools and NATO SOF air manuals, guidelines, and checklists.

Operators will execute the missions in a simulated environment by assessing their air mission planning skills and TTP.

SOATU operators and staff will plan, lead, and execute integrated missions with RW, FW, and ISR assets.

Target Audience

Primary TA:

  • NATO aviation officers/ non-commissioned officers (NCOs) either assigned to or soon to be assigned/ affiliated to a NATO SOF-Air units
  • NATO special operations air land integration (SOALI) operators qualified as NATO joint terminal air controller (JTAC) or Combat Controller (CCT)
  • NATO airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operators

Secondary TA:

  • NATO SOTU operators able to fulfil the role as ground force commanders (GFC)

  • NATO SOCC/ SOAC/ SOATG HQ air planner, air intelligence personnel, J-33/ 35 personnel

Students should have a 3333 rating in English language skills and should be comfortable speaking English in front of groups.

A NATO SECRET security clearance is required for this course and students must prove this is held upon enrolment in the course and have a hard copy in their possession upon arrival at NSOU.