SOFCOM Site Disclaimer
The Allied Special Operations Forces Command (SOFCOM) provides this website as a service to the NATO and partner special operations community. The SOFCOM, its Administration, its staff, any individual or legal entity, any public, semi-public or private administrative entity that has contributed in any way to the preparation, composition or promulgation of SOFCOM Data and of any related information or documentation, hereby disclaim any overall liability arising from any inappropriate, improper or fraudulent use of the data provided to subscribers.
Furthermore, neither the Organization, nor members of its Staff shall be held liable for any financial or other consequences whatsoever arising from such inappropriate, improper or fraudulent use.
The SOFCOM website contains information on the institution itself, its personnel, its ongoing courses, activities and related topics. It is strictly prohibited to use such information for unauthorized purposes.
By use of the website users accept that SOFCOM collects information such as the users website, date and time of access, browser and IP address for reasons of evaluation, analysis and statistics. This data will not be shared with third parties.
All information provided on the SOFCOM website remains intellectual property of SOFCOM and are to be handled in compliance with the rules of copyright law, unless express permission is explicitly granted.
It is prohibited to make use of any information provided on this website, unless a written authorisation has been granted by SOFCOM. Such written authorisation shall herewith be granted in case of use for non-commercial purpose.
The consultation or use of NATO data shall automatically imply full acceptance of the above disclaimer of liability.