Course Iterations

Sub Number Date/Location Registration
11 Mar - 20 Mar, 2025 RL: NATO SOF Campus
16 Sep - 25 Sep, 2025 RL: NATO SOF Campus
20 Jan - 29 Jan, 2026 RL: NATO SOF Campus
23 Apr - 14 Jul, 2026 RL: NATO SOF Campus
15 Sep - 24 Sep, 2026 RL: NATO SOF Campus

Course Information

NATO Special Operations Air Planning Course (SOAPC)

The NATO SOAPC is an 8-day instructor/facilitator-led course in a classroom and planning room environment.

The NATO Special Operations Air Planning Course (SOAPC) provides a NATO standardization training intended to harmonize the different national planning procedures and tools to the NATO SOF-Air planning and execution standards. The SOAPC facilitates a multinational environment to prepare for joint/ combined NATO SOF missions at all scales.

Enhancing individual competencies related to the NATO SOF Air Decision Making Process, covering NATO C2 roles and functions, air mission planning procedures, capability and resource requirements, problem-solving strategies, contingency planning, operational risk management and decision-making.  

The underlying principle throughout the course is to develop NATO SOF-Air planning and resource management skills, culminating in two scenario-based PEs that will challenge students to demonstrate the competencies and principles for operating in a NATO operational environment. 

A daily framework of plenary sessions, guided discussions, practical exercises (PEs), and syndicate sessions will be employed to develop and reinforce the student’s knowledge level of NATO SOF-Air principles and standards. 


The SOAPC is a residential course at the NATO Special Operations University located on Chièvres Air Base in Belgium.

The SOATGC can be requested as a NSOU Mobile Education & Training Team (METT) to be delivered in the premises of the requesting nation.

Course Aim

The NATO SOAPC builds the basic skills and knowledge required for NATO SOF-Air planning in terms of integration, coordination and interoperability within the NATO SOF command and control (C2) structure.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge and procedures learned during the course to engage and support all phases of the NATO Air Decision Making Process (ADMP) in order to plan, coordinate, and integrate objectives, resources and environmental factors to support special operations, both land and maritime.


The students will be able to apply the knowledge and procedures learned during the course to engage and support all phases of the NATO air decision-making process (ADMP) to plan, coordinate and integrate objectives, resources, and environmental factors to support special operations, both land and maritime.

Target Audience

Mid-level to senior-level NATO aviation officers/ non-commissioned officers (NCOs) assigned/ affiliated to NATO SOF-Air units as either operators, planners or air-land integration personnel.

Students can be of all levels in the NATO SOF-Air chain of command, ranging from SOAC level, SOATG HQ level down to SOATU level.

The overarching concept is to train personnel assigned to contribute to the ADMP.


Students should have a 3333 rating in English language skills and should be comfortable speaking English in front of groups.

A NATO SECRET security clearance is required for this course and students must prove this is held upon enrolment in the course and have a hard copy in their possession upon arrival at NSOU.